
Personal & Home Defense

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Personal and Home Defense – 8/15 4-7pm

We will begin with a discussion of tips and techniques related to personal and home safety.  Students will then participate in practicing self defense techniques by striking and kicking a punching bag under the guidance of an instructor.  Finally, if time permits, students will practice handgun shooting drills based on self-defense skills.

Requirements:  Eye and hearing protection – Pistols and ammunition (50 rounds) will be provided

Optional Equipment:  Students may bring their own weapons, ammo and holsters.

NOTE:  Long Range Rifle will be held on the long range course up on the hill, all other courses will be on the lower range except First Aid which will be held at the Spur Ranch Headquarters.

Registration and payment is final, there will be no refunds due to missing the class as we are limited in the number of spaces available.

RSVPs Required – Sign Up Online or contact Kaylin at Spur Outfitters for Reservations and Details  (307) 327-6505 or email – Kaylin@spuroutfitters.com

Contact John Russo for technical questions – jrusso269@verizon.net